EPA Association

Exclusive Advantages

The EPA advantage was developed to bring to our members, practicality, special discounts, comfort, and a good experience with our service channels available throughout the platform!

Associado EPA

  • You can submit 5 photos for free to our 4 annual contests (20 photos in year).
  • Disccounts to submit aditional photos.
  • Special discounts on products, workshop and EPA Partners.
  • Access to exclusive content in the Knowledge Area.
  • Access to exclusive group on Facebook.
  • Network with many photographers.
  • Exclusive gallery with your portfolio.
I want to participate!


I'm Renan Almeida, a Brazilian photographer who works with weddings and portraits. I have pictures published in leading magazines and I do workshops for beginners in photography. Having an award-winning photo at the EPA is a source of joy for knowing that the work begins to be observed. At the award in question I received feedback on where I can improve my photography techniques. And the great truth is that we do not grow with praise, but with criticism or constructive suggestions. The winning photo gives us immense atisfaction. But non-award winning images guide our art to constantly improve. EPA helps us grow as professionals !!!

Renan Almeida

Our Partners for 2024

15% discount for all EPA members on our backdrops and or baby props

Beautify Panel, discount for all members of 15% on Beautify Panel. https://beautifypanel.com/

Desconto exclusivo para residentes no Brasil 6% ona Visico Lights. https://www.lumitecfoto.com.br/flash-a-bateria-400w-radio-flash-high-speed-ttl-modo-multi-visico-5.html

Na Encadernadora Luiz Fotógrafo o associado tem R$ 100,00 por mês de desconto

Online Workshop - by Roger Tan

Become a Member NOW!

JOIN NOW and HAVE ACCESS to all our exclusive content for members that are available in the Knowledge Area and have SPECIAL DISCOUNTS.

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